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Tag: Italy
Now that we have seen some of the real tourist sights, it’s time to sample the other side of the Italian experience – the food. “Eat like the locals do” is a familiar phrase in Italy, but how do you do that? Without doubt, the first step is to eat late. The locals eat late,… Read More
As the winter months come, so the end of the school holidays will come – and this year in Italy has been particularly busy. From the end of January to the middle of February, the touristic season ends. In particular, in the south, it’s a time of increase in tourism. If your group… Read More
Summer is finally here in Italy, and with it comes the heat and the increase in the tourist season. If you have any overseas connections planned, now is the time to start working on that visa. If you are planning to visit Italy this summer, you may be aware that in the summer months,… Read MoreQ:
Use batch command to create array in for loop
I need to create an array using batch code which I need to iterate over several times. My for loop is as follows:
for /L %%i in (1,1,10) do (
set /a p=!p!+1
However, it keeps giving me an error that a number cannot be incremented with "/". How can I solve this problem?
You can use delayed expansion:
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /L %%i in (1,1,10) do (
set /a p=!p!+1
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HARTFORD -- After a long battle, a community is about to see its only grocery store open.
Kroger opened a store in Hartford on W. Main Street in late 2017, and Hartford residents have be359ba680
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